If priests the Catholic Church has sent to the British Isles, they ran into many foreign religions and practices. A practice known as "sineater. When someone dies, who came sineater to the public and was eating, usually on the corpse. Would eat, and then would be responsible for this sin.
When Christianity teaches that Christ died for our sins, the priest had a small problem with this practice. There remained, however, would someone sineaterhad committed a heinous crime. The outsiders should not be allowed man to be turned into an advertisement, in which food or money would be handed over the body.
My aunt actually saw this event when he was a child. He described the man in terrible detail. Her hair was wild, disheveled and dirty. His clothes were rags, and all that is abhorrent. Smells terrible, and he managed to scare it completely. An elderly relative out, the partial transfer food anywhere in the body. Mangrabbed and ran.
It 'hard to say what has stopped this practice once again ... if it stopped. I suspect that if one part is that the area is more developed, and there are few, if appropriate, may be hiding this kind of posts outcast. Training can play a role. The Appalachian sineater described above, I was an outsider for religious reasons, the possibility can really read the Bible more people know their faith.
The company could also play a role. Until 1900, inconsists of small isolated communities. The train and the car has been modified. Be that as it should, but I hope that the practice exists, history will not forget.
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